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21 Benefits of Yoga : International Yoga Day

21 Benefits of Regular Yoga Practice 1. Aids #weightloss : #SuryaNamaskar and #KapalBhati #Pranayama are effective for weight loss. Continued practice of yoga tunes the body to its needs, therefore regulating #appetite and consumption of different kinds of food. Many practitioners find their #craving for #junkfood reduce with sustained yoga practice. 2. #StressRelief : Yoga #postures , Pranayama and #meditation are effective in stress relief, especially with #prolonged practice. In the rush of modern life, meditation helps bring a much-needed anchor to #calmmind . 3. #Improves #immunity : The immune system benefits tremendously from the practice of yoga. Yoga poses #massage organs and strengthen muscles, improving their efficiency. #Halasana and #Bhujangasana directly improve the immune system by releasing white blood cells. 4. #IncreasesEnergy : Starting the day with some yoga poses and meditative exercises can help you start your day on...

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